“Everything I write, in a spirit of faith, will come to pass.”
June 15, 2020 2020-12-05 21:18“Everything I write, in a spirit of faith, will come to pass.”
Message for Today
Practice Writing to Your Self
If thoughts of the past are holding you from your dreams, write a letter to your past self and lovingly let her go so you can receive new plans. You are emerging anew in this chapter of your life.
If the fear of the future is stopping you from taking action, write a letter to your future self and ask for guidance to end the fear and receive the plans to direct your new path.
If you are on track towards your goals, write a detailed letter of gratitude to your higher self. No one makes it alone; so give thanks in writing and you can always appreciate how far you have come.

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Click here to download the 6 steps for creating your statement of definite purpose.
Comment of the Day

Chapter 6 Excerpt
Read the entire book through, then come back to this chapter, and begin at once to put your imagination to work on the building of a plan, or plans, for the transformation of your DESIRE into money.
Detailed instructions for the building of plans have been given in almost every chapter. Carry out the instructions best suited to your needs, reduce your plan to writing, if you have not already done so.
The moment you complete this, you will have DEFINITELY given concrete form to the intangible DESIRE.
Read the preceding sentence once more. Read it aloud, very slowly, and as you do so, remember that the moment you reduce the statement of your desire, and a plan for its realization, to writing, you have actually TAKEN THE FIRST of a series of steps, which will enable you to convert the thought into its physical counterpart.
Day 6 Download