Welcome to the World Of Wisdom Library
This content helped me improve every area of my life. I put it all in one place for women who feel stuck but want more.
You don´t have to figure things out alone. Learn from success people and apply their wisdom to your personal development.
Enter your email to get immediate access.
Everything you need to get unstuck, find an idea, get clear and start moving!
I included a selection of resources that help you improve all areas of your life. Just one good idea is enough to get you moving.
I am granting you access to my Mindset Mastery files in Google Drive.
🌟 Think about the goal you want to achieve.
🌟 Find content that fits your need from these 7 categories.
🌟 When you read something you want to apply, go into the private community or ask an expert about how to implement it in your life.
🌟 Start making changes!
📚 Physical - Appearance, Health and Wellbeing
📚 Social - Friendships, Relationships, Leisure
📚 Family - Parenting, Home Life
📚 Work Life - Careers, Entrepreneurship
📚 Mindset - Focus, Time Management, Organisation
📚 Spiritual - Spiritual Practices and Enlightenment
Ask the right questions to the right people.
🗝 I am sharing a list of my trusted associates and expert mastermind members. Expand your peer network.
🗝 I will be in the community from time to time offering clarity on your goals, so you can achieve more.
Knowledge transforms your life only when implemented.
💡 Ask questions that help you apply the info in the dedicated Telegram community.
💡 I´ll post my weekly ´WOW mindset´ message to keep inspiring you to win.
The Wisdom Messenger
Why I´m sharing this free.
My goal is to give high value info that was not accessible to the me I was when I started. For those women still out there figuring everything out alone, knowing they’re worthy of more but not sure how to make it. I got you. 💕
I’m a leading certified Think and Grow Rich trainer combined with being a Master Practitioner of the Neuro Change Method.
I teach women how to apply the science of success to their lives so you can stop being overwhelmed by your goals and get the clear steps to effortless productivity.
Success Leaves Clues, there is an entire World Of Wisdom available to you.
Learn from successful people, do what they do and remember that whatever the mind conceives and believes, can be achieved. I look forward to meeting you in the Telegram Community.
Until then, Think Rich 💕 S. Xx
Certified Instructor in the Science of Success
You really help to keep me going I was actually thinking of you earlier..and went on the page to get inspired for as soon as I can go to my office again and feel a bit alive again.
Vicky Weener
I found the content and the way it was delivered very interesting.
My biggest takeaway was the story about the Queen Ant and her scouts. It served as a reminder that I am able and capable… that I possess the power.
I felt validated and reassured about my abilities.
Jacquelyn Henson
Understanding deeper levels of the steps to riches, especially from a woman’s perspective.
A chance to explore these concepts in a safe environment encouraged by a woman that looks like me and from a background similar to my own.
Melenie Hibbert
Copyright © 2023 Sophia Bailey-Larsen